Document Type : Original Article


Department of English, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


As the learning of foreign languages has increasingly become learner-centered, instructors are advised to take learners' characteristics into consideration to which they can tailor their teaching practices. There are several factors that influence language learning including critical thinking dispositions and learning strategies. This study examined the relationship between critical thinking dispositions and writing strategies, as well as the extent to which Iranian English learners utilize certain writing strategies. This study adopted a correlational design. The statistical population included students majoring in English in Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, of whom 150 students were selected through convenience sampling. Data were collected using Ricketts' (2003) Critical Thinking Disposition Scale (2003) and Abdollahzadeh’s (2010) Writing Strategy Questionnaire. The questionnaires were completed by 101 students from which eleven students whose responses were distorted excluded and the remaining 90 responses were analyzed using a bivariate correlation analysis. According to the results, learners' critical thinking disposition was positively correlated with their writing strategy. Additionally, the results demonstrated that Iranian EFL learners occasionally used a variety of writing strategies. It is also noteworthy that metacognitive and cognitive strategies were applied at a higher frequency than others. Thus, it can be concluded that critical thinking plays a vital role in employing different writing strategies.


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