Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Educational Administration, Kazerun Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kazerun, Iran

2 Department of Higher Education, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


This study aimed at scrutinizing the mediating role of critical thinking in relation to higher education students'
metacognition and self-efficacy in Islamic Azad University, Nourabad Mamasani. Samples were collected through
random sampling method and it was equal to 248. Instruments used in this study were three standard questionnaires
including critical thinking, metacognition and self-efficacy. Cronbach's alpha was employed to estimate the
instruments’ reliability, based on which critical thinking was found to be 0.88, metacognition 0.89 and self-efficacy
0.87. Findings revealed that meta-cognition could significantly predict students' self-efficacy and critical thinking.
Also, it was found that meta-cognition and critical thinking could significantly predict students’ self-efficacy. This
study also showed that critical thinking had a mediating role in relation to students’ meta-cognition and self-efficacy.
The dimensions of meta-cognition and critical thinking could significantly predict students’ self-efficacy.


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